Feijoa marshmallow recipe

Feijoa - an amazing tropical fruit with a taste and aroma of strawberries and kiwi, pineapples and banana. This exotic fruit is not yet a very frequent guest on the tables of Russians, but if you try it once, then it will be difficult to deny yourself the pleasure later.

Feijoa is consumed, as a rule, raw, picking out delicious aromatic pulp with a spoon. But unfortunately, it is not stored for long. And how I would like to enjoy feijoa on winter evenings. Many housewives are interested in how feijoa marshmallows are prepared.

Choosing the right fruits

Feijoa is used to prepare marshmallows, marmalade, jams and jellies. Jams are very tasty and healthy, the preparation of which does not require heat treatment.

But whichever recipe you choose, you need to choose the right feijoa fruit. Only ripe specimens are suitable for marshmallow. Unripe or overripe can nullify all your work. Pastila is a great product for tea. Due to the presence of a large amount of vitamin C, the workpieces are stored for a long time.

Feijoa ripens in autumn, and in stores they begin to be sold in late October. Since it is problematic to transport ripe fruits, they are cut off immature. Refilling takes place on the way to potential buyers.

When buying feijoa, pay attention to the external signs of the fruit:

  • the presence of spots and darkening of the peel indicate a poor-quality product;
  • also there should be no wrinkles;
  • on the cut, the flesh of a ripe feijoa is transparent, reminiscent of jelly.

Pastila made from exotic fruits, even after heat treatment, does not lose its valuable properties, and the main element, iodine, is also not lost.

Feijoa pastila

To prepare a delicious dessert according to the recipe below, stock up on the following products in advance:

  • exotic fruits - 2 full handfuls;
  • natural honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • apple - 1 piece;
  • peeled seeds - 1 handful;
  • sesame seeds and peeled seeds for sprinkling.

How to make a treat

  1. We wash the feijoa, let the water drain and cut them off from both ends. Then cut into slices.
  2. Wash the apple, cut out the stalk and the core with seeds, finely chop.
  3. We wash the peeled sunflower seeds, dry them with a napkin.
  4. Put the feijoa, apple and seeds in a blender and interrupt well until you get a smooth puree.
  5. To make the dried delicacy look nice, we pour the mass onto the sheet in a thin layer. We use a spoon for leveling. Top with sesame or sunflower seeds.
Important! We spread parchment paper or a special rug on the sheet, which we grease with oil, otherwise the pastille will stick.

We put the sheet in the oven, preheating it to 38 degrees. Since there is plenty of moisture, the fruit treat will dry for at least 20 hours. If during this time it does not have time to dry, leave the sheet for another 5-6 hours.

It is not difficult to check the readiness of the marshmallow: if it does not stick in the center, then it is ready. We take out the sheet with the marshmallow from the oven and let it rest a little. The fact is that it is more convenient to roll the marshmallow while it is still warm.

Dried feijoa marshmallows can be cut into circles or rolled up for storage in a cool place.


Of course, drying marshmallows in the oven is not very convenient. If you are constantly engaged in such a procurement, then it is best to purchase special equipment. The role of dryers in the preparation of marshmallows is well described in the video:

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