Apricot Snegirek

There are not many varieties of apricots that can be grown even in Siberia and the Urals. It is to such varieties that the Snegirek apricot belongs.

Breeding history

This variety is not included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia. Therefore, the breeder who bred it is unknown.

Description of culture

The characteristic of the apricot variety Snegirek is the height of the trees up to 1.2-1.5 m. The trees are very resistant to frost, so they can be planted in the Moscow region, in the north of Russia (only trees are sheltered for the winter), in the Leningrad region. The tree has a lifespan of over 30 years.

Description of apricot Snegirek is a creamy fruit with a burgundy blush. It is very resilient. The weight of the apricot Snegirek is 15-18 g. The pulp is very juicy, the sweetest. The presence of sugar is 9%. Sometimes the fruit may taste a little bitter near the skin. The bone is flat, it separates well.

Photo of apricot variety Snegirek


This variety has the highest frost resistance compared to other varieties of apricots. Therefore, it can be planted even in the North of Russia.

Drought resistance, winter hardiness

Frost resistance of apricot Snegirek - the tree can withstand frosts down to -42 degrees, as it has a thick bark. The tree is not drought-resistant, it needs to be watered.

Pollination, flowering period and ripening times

Attention! It is not required to plant other varieties to the tree, as it is a self-pollinated variety.

Self-fertile apricot Snegirek blooms late, because of this, even if it gets under return frosts in spring, apricots will still be tied. This is a mid-late variety. Snegirek apricots ripen by mid-August.

Productivity, fruiting

It begins to bloom 5 years after the seedling is planted. Snegirek apricots appear every year, there are no breaks between fruiting.

Although the tree does not exceed 150 cm, the yield of Snegirek apricot is very high, from 1 tree you can collect 7-15 kg of apricots.

Scope of the fruit

Apricots Snegirek can be eaten fresh, made compotes, canned. Apricots are used to make preserves, jams, wine, and tincture.

Attention! Snegirek apricots can be dried in the sun if you cover the metal mesh with parchment and put apricots on top.

Disease and pest resistance

The variety has no resistance to moniliosis, leaf spot.

Insects can attack the culture - hawthorn butterflies, weevils, yellow plum sawflies, sapwoods, geese, ticks, ringed silkworms, leafworms, moths. Plants are also affected by aphids, a fruit striped moth.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the variety:

  • trees grow in any soil;
  • have good productivity;
  • calmly endure frosts;
  • Snegirek apricots can be stored until January;
  • transportable.

Cons of the variety:

  • the variety can get sick with moniliosis and leaf spot;
  • Apricots Snegirek small size.

Landing features

The groundwater level should be no higher than 2.5-3 m. It is better to dig a hole a few weeks before planting so that the soil has time to settle.

Recommended timing

It is advised to plant a tree on the site at the end of April. This should be done before the buds begin to awaken, that is, before the start of the growing season, so that the plant does not have unnecessary stress.

Choosing the right place

Growing apricot Snegirek begins with the selection of a site, it should be well lit and protected from the north wind. Trees prefer soil with neutral acidity. In the fall, they dig up the earth, fertilizers are applied depending on the type of land. If the soil on the site is black soil, then scatter a bucket of humus, 30 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium sulfate on 1 m².

If the soil is sandy loam or sandy, then in addition to the above fertilizers, peat is added. But in addition to fertilizers, sand and sawdust are added to the clay.

If the soil is soddy-podzolic, then first, 450 g of dolomite flour or fluff lime is scattered on it on 1 m², and after 2 weeks organic matter is introduced - humus or rotted manure, mineral fertilizers - phosphorus, potassium.

The soil must have excellent drainage as the rhizome needs a good supply of oxygen and nutrients. In the spring, you first need to dig a landing hole. And at its bottom pour fine gravel, expanded clay, broken brick, gravel. You should also mix the dug earth with wood ash, ammonium nitrate, and place it on the bottom of the pit. And then add a layer of soil without fertilizers.

What crops can and cannot be planted next to an apricot

In the vicinity of the apricot, you can plant flowers that bloom very early. For example, primrose, tulips, daffodils.

It is better not to plant the rest of the crops next to the apricot, since the tree greatly depletes the land.

Selection and preparation of planting material

When buying, you should pay attention to the fact that the seedling is healthy and strong, its roots should not be damaged. Better to purchase trees in specialized stores. An annual tree takes root most easily. If damage is visible on the roots, then they are cut off with a sharpened knife. Before planting, you can put the roots in water for 2-3 days. Then they are dipped in a mash made of liquid manure and black soil.

Landing algorithm

Pits are dug, keeping a distance of 2 m between them. The planting pit should have a diameter of 50 cm, a depth of 80 cm. Fertile soil is poured into the pit with a cone. Drive in a stake. 1/2 the hole is filled with water. A seedling is placed. Spread the roots. Sprinkle with earth. The inoculation height should rise 3 cm from the surface. After 5 days, the tree is tied to a stake.

Follow-up care of the culture

Tree formation

In the second year, 5-6 strong shoots are left, the rest are cut off. The remaining skeletal branches are cut so that they are 2 times shorter.

Top dressing

In the second year of growth, in the spring, the tree is watered with solutions of nitrophoska or ammonium nitrate, mullein solution. They are fed once every 14 days until summer. In June and July, solutions are made with superphosphate and potassium sulfate.


The tree easily tolerates the high air temperature, but provided there is sufficient soil moisture. After planting, a small shaft of earth is poured around the tree. A young tree is watered once every 10-14 days. But you don't need to water if it rains all the time.

An adult apricot is watered at the beginning of flowering, then with active growth of shoots in May, and the third time half a month before the apricots ripen. Then, in the fall, water charging is carried out.

Preparing for winter

If the trees grow in the north, then the first 2-3 years they are covered for the winter. First you need to cut off dry leaves and broken, diseased shoots. The branches should be leaned against the trunk and tied with a rope. Next, a canvas bag is put on top of the tree. In the area of ​​the trunk circle, humus and straw are placed. The bag is removed early in the spring.

Photo of an adult apricot tree Snegirek

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Apricot diseases

Name of the disease



Control measures

Monilial burn (this is the spring form of moniliosis)

Flowers start to rot, they turn brown.Also, with a strong spread, the wood becomes brownish, and then dies off. The foliage turns brown and tough, but it remains hanging. Cracks are visible on thick branches, gum is released from them.

In spring, if it rains frequently, then spray with Xopyc 75WY.

At the end of autumn, the trunks are whitewashed.

In autumn, after harvesting, and in winter, the trees are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid. Fallen leaves are collected and burned.

Sick branches, flowers are cut. The tree is sprayed with Bordeaux liquid (3%) or copper oxychloride (0.9%).

Fruit rot (this is the summer form of moniliosis)

A small brownish speck is visible on the apricot, then it enlarges and spreads to the entire fruit.

After harvesting, the fruits are sprayed with copper oxychloride.

Brown leaf spot

At first, small yellowish specks are visible on the foliage, gradually they grow. The foliage dries and falls off.

Remove diseased foliage.

Spray the soil near the tree with copper sulfate (1%) or Nitrafen.

Hole leaf spot

Small light brown spots are visible on the foliage. Then these places dry up and fall out, holes appear on the leaves. Growths appear on the trunk, gum flows out of them.

They are processed in early spring or after harvesting with a solution of copper sulfate (1%) or other compounds that contain copper.

Curly leaves

Reddish, yellowish, orangey bubbles appear on the foliage.

From early spring to the beginning of flowering, the tree is sprayed every 15 days with Bordeaux liquid.

Also treated with Bordeaux liquid.


The scab starts from the fungus. After fruit setting, darkish green round spots appear on the foliage, then they change color to grayish brown. When severely spread, the tree sheds dead leaves. Shoots also get sick, dry out and fall off. Brownish or grayish specks are visible on apricots.


Cut off the affected leaves and shoots.


The disease appears in June, the foliage turns yellow, fades and falls off. To accurately determine the disease, the branch is cut and cut. On the wood, you can see light brown or dark brown spots that have an irregular shape.

You cannot plant trees in the area where potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries grew before.


The tops of the shoots turn brown, spots are visible on the bark, the foliage withers. As a result, the main branches and the entire tree may die.

Spread garden pitch on all wounds.


Initially, brownish-gray spots are formed on the foliage, they are somewhat depressed. After spots appear on apricots. The disease arises from an infection that is in the ground.

In autumn, fallen leaves are collected and burned.

Apricot pests

Pest nameHow to detectProphylaxisControl measures
Hawthorn butterfliesIts caterpillars eat the foliage and can be found by the holes in the leaves.In the fall, you need to collect fallen leaves, cut off broken, diseased branches, constantly pull out weeds, burn it all. Whitewash the trunks in the spring and autumn.Trees are sprayed with insecticides Chlorophos, Phosphamide.
WeevilsSmall bright green or blue bugs can be found on the tree.Apricot is sprayed with Inta-Vir.
Yellow plum sawflyThe insects themselves are yellowish-brown, and their caterpillars also cause great harm to apricots.
SapwoodThese are small (4 mm) dark brown bugs that harm the bark and branches.Trees are sprayed with Chlorophos or Metaphos.
GooseIt is a small bug with a dark trunk. The female lays eggs in apricots.Before the buds begin to bloom, you can spray with Karbofos, Metaphos, Aktellik.
MitesThey can be detected by the fact that the foliage turns silvery.Before bud break, the tree can be sprayed with Nitrafen. When buds appear, they are sprayed with colloidal sulfur.
Ringed silkwormTheir caterpillars are able to gnaw all the foliage.
Leaf rollThis small moth is eating foliage.After harvesting the fruits, the tree is sprayed with Chlorophos solution.
MothAlso a small butterfly (1.5-2 cm). The female lays eggs in the ovary in June.After harvesting, the apricots are sprayed with Chlorophos solution (2%).

Before harvesting the fruits, pour 1 kg of table salt into a bucket of water and spray the plantings.

AphidThese are tiny black insects that can be seen on the back of the foliage.Before the beginning of fruiting, you can spray the culture with Fitoverm.
Fruit striped mothIts caterpillars gnaw buds and shoots.Before bud break, the plant is sprayed with Chlorophos.
  • Hawthorn butterfly
  • Weevil
  • Yellow plum sawfly
  • Sapwood
  • Mite


Apricot Snegirek can be planted even in the north, as the tree can withstand temperatures down to 42 degrees. In early spring, the culture is sprayed with Bordeaux liquid, and after harvesting the apricots, they are treated with copper chlorooxide, since the variety is unstable to leaf spot and moniliosis.

Here in the video you can watch how to grow apricot trees in Siberia:


Tatiana, Moscow region
“Apricot Snegirek has bloomed for 3 years already. As a result, I collected 4 kg of fruits, although aphids and ants attacked the plant. I concluded that the best apricot variety for the Moscow region is Snegirek. "
Svetlana, Novosibirsk region
I planted 2 Snegirek apricot seedlings. She covered them with sacking for the winter. After 5 years, the trees began to bear fruit. I liked the apricots very much, they are sweet, aromatic.
Natalia, Yekaterinburg
I bought an apricot seedling Snegirek in the gardens of the Urals and planted it. Now, 5 years later, she began to harvest. I don't really like that the fruits are small.
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